Description of the EXANTE brokerage company |
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30.07.2020 10:54 | |||||||||||||||
If you are curious to take advantage of the current market situation and begin trading online, you should begin to cooperate with the promising broker EXANTE. According to their website, they refer to themselves as an investment company, however, the portfolio of their services is more diverse than the title would suggest. This broker allows you to conveniently access the Forex market like any other alternative online broker. Moreover, EXANTE allows you to explore countless interesting options. Have a look at the closer analysis below. Here it is possible to find some exclusive information not mentioned in any other EXANTE broker reviews.
More information about Exante company History of the EXANTE broker EXANTE was established in 2011. The headquarters are located in London. However, there are representative offices all over the world. The Global Hedge Capital Fund was the mother-company of EXANTE. Alexei Kiriyenko was the founder of the broker, he collected his experience as a successful trader in the beginning of the 2000s. Vladimir Maslyakov and Anatoly Knyazev were responsible for the technical part of the company. Broker regulation There is not a trader who would not be interested in the reliability of the broker he works with. Luckily for you EXANTE is a broker with an excellent reputation. It complies with the following financial watchdogs:
Also, it is important to note that the broker does not use the money of the clients to conduct his own operations. Implying that the broker's and clients' funds are held separately. Moreover, the representatives of the broker do not have direct access to them. This is valuable to keep in mind as if the broker goes bankrupt the money of the clients is still safe and secured. To ensure even greater security, the funds are distributed among multiple banks, instead of being put in a single place. Terms of trading for the broker Considering trading conditions, this company ranks among the industry leaders. It is possible to try examining yourself by having a look at the reviews published online.
As you see, you can greatly benefit from broad collaboration with Alexey Kirienko and EXANTE. Don’t delay your closer acquaintance with the broker till tomorrow.
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